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The right way to say goodbye.

A resignation letter isn’t just a formality, but a reflection of your values and character. Time to make your last impression as good as your first. You need to give a long enough notice to let them find your replacement. Instead of a showing up like an uninvited ping-pong sized pimple before a prom night.

You need to make it easy for your soon-to-be-ex. That’s how you keep the professional love alive. Even long after you’re gone, the slow embers keep burning. You never know when a help is needed and who’d step in to lend that helping hand. So, keeping connections with old and new is the vital pulse for any professional. The easier you make it for your employer the better the engagement. You want to leave them missing you and not wishing never meeting you.



We are never meant to stay in one place forever, it is ingrained in our millions of years of evolution, to seek out and venture into the new unknown. That doesn’t mean we’re saying it’s okay to change your job like a Sunday dress. We know the power of renewal after a rain. Years of sunshine without rain lacks that vital new nourishment that ground so badly needs, the rain brings that spark, the stuff of life, that change we seek from time to time. Let’s face it, even the irresistible pasta marinara would make the taste buds slip into depression if we were to eat it every day for a month for lunch and dinner.

So, if for any reason you are parting ways with a company, make sure you keep it formal by employing a resignation letter and following the company’s resignation process. From our prior experience, we have seen some people just stop showing up at work suddenly, a place they worked for 10 months. They simply use a short email to submit their resignation, instead of going through the formal resignation process. One must give the company sufficient time to find a suitable replacement to fill your shoes with someone else!


There are generally 12 kinds of situations that signals a resignation. Few of them are handled with a bit of care and coating.

Resignation Letter

Climbing up the career ladder

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.


Toxic work environment

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.


Serious compliance red flags

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.


Company doesn’t pay timely

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.


Personal reason

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.


Pursuing overseas degree

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.


Medical Reason

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.


Pursue business venture

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.


You’ve made a grave mistake

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.


The need for career change

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.


post-accident recovery

Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, remaining essentially unchanged.


Resignation Letter Example 1

You found a better job with better pay or perks .

Look if we are faced with a big promotion or a pay package from another firm, we’d switch in a heartbeat or two. Now how do you handle such a resignation that doesn’t stick out like a sore thumb? Well, that’s why we’re here to bring our magic into the mix, to leave them longing for you as you wave them ta-ta. Here’s how you end things on a good note.

  • You don’t want to phrase your resignation in a manner that appears you’re jumping to a new boat at the first chance.
  • Sound grateful to the current team and colleagues around you
  • Put an emotional twist, to take the promotion or pay rise completely out of the picture. Like it’s been on your mind for a while now, this need for change, a new avenue for learning and growth

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this letter finds you well. As I write this, I am filled with a deep sense of gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of [Company Name]. It is with a heavy heart, and with a great optimism for the future, that I submit my resignation, effective [Date].

The decision to move on from [Company Name] was not an easy one. It comes after much contemplation and recognition of my personal career aspirations and goals. This transition marks not just the end of a significant chapter in my life but also the excitement of beginning with something new.

Reflecting on my time here, I am profoundly thankful for the experiences and challenges that have contributed significantly to my personal and professional growth. From the moment I stepped into the warehouse, I felt a sense of purpose and belonging. The work we do here is not just about inventory or logistics; it’s about being part of something larger than ourselves, we’re the hand that moves e-commerce. Our combined hard work is a testament to the dedication that each member brings to the team.

I want to extend my sincere gratitude to you and the entire team for the support, guidance, and positive work environment I have received here. I am proud of what we have achieved together and am confident that the team will continue to raise the bar of success.

During my remaining time, I am fully committed to ensuring a smooth transition, including training my replacement or assisting in any way to minimize the impact of my departure. Please let me know how I can best contribute to this process.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to be a part of this incredible team. I look forward to staying in touch and hope our paths cross again in the future.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Resignation Letter Example 2

The work place culture is too toxic or you aren’t treated fairly and with dignity.

If there’s discrimination at work place, there are measures in place to address them in a sound manner. However, if the controls at the top management is weak, very little trickles down from the top. What that means is, there’s a huge gap between words and action. Then, to expect change is futile. We are not providing any professional or legal opinion, because we have not taken into account the facts of your case. Whether you are entitled to any damages depends entirely on the circumstance.

For most however, for example a kitchen staff, who is finding hard to get along with other staff because they aren’t too friendly, and the restaurant manager just shrugs off any concern as a simple step on your toe. It is best just to politely walk away and step into something better. So how, do you write that resignation letter in this sort of situation? Well, three things are key:

  • Don’t grumble about other staff or the company didn’t do enough
  • Keep it very formal and thankful because you might need the firm’s reference
  • Sugarcoat the resignation letter with caramel if you like

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I hope this Monday have been wonderful to you so far. I know how busy your days are, and would not want to take an extra minute out of your day. I am sad to inform you that this is an official submission of my resignation, effective [Date]. I will use the following 30 days to hand over any and all responsibilities to whoever that comes after me, or at the care of my manager.

My culinary aspirations took root from here. The time spent here has been remarkable, but like all great things, it must come to an end someday, to make room for something better. The decision to move on from [Company Name] was not an easy one. It comes after much contemplation and accepting things as they are. This transition marks not just the end of a significant chapter in my life but also an exciting beginning of a new journey.

During my remaining time, I am fully committed to ensuring a smooth transition, including training my replacement or assisting in any way to minimize the impact of my departure. Please let me know how I can best contribute to this process.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to be a part of this incredible team. I look forward to staying in touch and hope our paths cross again in the future.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Resignation Letter Example 3

Company is doing work in a manner that is a flagrant violation of compliance, illicit even

Look if your gut tells you to get out, then get the eff out before it all blows up in your face. Because matters that fiddles with the law almost always comes back with serious legal ramification. And you are sitting through this and overseeing these toxic deliverables which could easily be a potential career killer. Anything or any activity that outright brushes with the law is something not be taken lightly. Whistleblowing is not for everyone; it requires a strong spirit and a strong sense of justice. For most the best route is exit politely. And here’s that resignation letter that saves the day. Three things are key:

  • Don’t mention the obvious nature of activity that is giving you the heebie-jeebies
  • Make sure you send a soft signal about how your values are no longer aligned with the firm; you want this to be on record
  • And sugarcoat the hell out of that resignation letter

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient’s Name],

I am writing to you today to formally resign from my position at [Company Name], effective two weeks from today. This decision was not an easy one but one that was needed in light of my current personal circumstance.

The last few months were very taxing, emotionally and professionally. I feel like a fish on a floor because integrity, compliance is something that I deeply care about. And I need time to work on my mindfulness, the garden inside of me feels as if they’re without any birds, the trees are without any fruits or leaves. And I feel now is the time to work on my wellbeing to recollect myself. At this point, I just don’t know how long it will take. As I do not want to operate at 70% for you, that would be far less than ideal. Because ideally as an employer you’d want me, or anyone as a matter of fact to operate at one’s peak capacity, 100% and not a percentage point less.

I deeply value the 11 months I’ve spent at [Company Name], the experiences and opportunities that came with it. However, after careful consideration, I have realized that now is the time to prioritize what is important because my current limitations won’t enable me to perform the duties with due diligence.

I want to express my sincere gratitude to you and the team for the support and guidance I’ve received during my tenure. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and will do everything in my power to assist in the handover of my responsibilities.

Thank you again for the opportunity to be a part of this team. I wish [Company Name] and all its employees the very best in the future.



[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Resignation Letter Example 4

The company doesn’t pay you timely

You never want to leave any company on a bad note. You do not want to turn it into a messy divorce with bottles and car keys being thrown at each other. Even though you know, it’s a ship sinking slowly in Atlantic, and the temperate in the room is at boiling point. You should still strive to close the chapter gracefully. Three things you need to be mindful about:

  • Be respectful despite the stress you’ve taken and be thankful for the times that were once good
  • Add a dash of hope in the letter for the firm that you still believe in
  • Strike a story about some monthly financial commitment like home mortgage or personal loan, without which you would have stayed at the company.

Let’s grab that lifeboat before it gets too late. This is how you strike a well written resignation letter when company pays salary poorly or many months with missed salary payments.

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

I find it very hard to arrive at this moment in time, where I have to make this incredibly difficult decision to bid adieu with [Company Name]. It’s a mixture of hope and dismay that’s gushing through my pulse at this moment because I officially submit my resignation from my position at [Company Name], effective [the last working day]. Hopeful for what’s to come, hopeful for both me and [Company Name].

In recent times, the company has fallen into hard times due to challenging market condition, with missed salaries and other broader issues at [Company Name], it sadly has put me in a very difficult spot, as I have financial commitments. Had it been not for my mortgage, I would have braved this storm till the end. Receiving missed payment notices from the bank, the idea of foreclosure and losing all my savings is something I’m not able to withstand.

In light of these circumstances, and after much reflection, I have decided to accept a position with another company. This new role offers me a chance to continue growing my career. It was a decision that was not made lightly, I discussed this with [your boss’s name] before arriving at it.

I want to emphasize that my departure is in no way a reflection of the efforts or the character of the team or leadership at [Company Name]. I have the utmost respect for everyone here at [Company Name] and what we’ve tried to accomplish together. The resilience and dedication shown by everyone in these tough times have been nothing short of inspirational.

In the remaining time, I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition. I will work diligently to complete my ongoing projects and hand over my responsibilities in an orderly manner. I am also more than willing to assist in training my replacement or providing support in any way that I can.

I leave [Company Name] with a wealth of memories and skills that I will always value. I am hopeful for the future of the company and wish nothing but the best for its recovery and success. I hope to maintain the relationships and networks I have built here and would want our paths to cross professionally in the future. Thank you for the support, understanding, and guidance you have provided me during my tenure. It truly has been an invaluable part of my career.


[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

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Resignation Letter Example 5

You’re having a personal crisis and need time off for the foreseeable future

There are times when one must give attention to himself/herself to allow them to come back to their better self. Life sometimes brings adversities that makes even the most resilient individual drop to his knees. During times like this, whether its medical in nature or addictions, one must attempt to get ahead of it before it gets ahead of you. Here’s what you should be mindful about:

  • Don’t mention the exact nature of the circumstance, unless its medical in nature
  • Don’t sound needy or gasping for help

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Manager’s Name],


I am writing this letter with a heavy heart, to discuss a matter that deeply impacts both my professional journey at [Company Name] and my personal well-being. Working at [Company Name] has been a journey filled with growth, challenges, and rewarding experiences; challenges that has shaped me for the years to come. The opportunities and nurture I received here will leave a lasting impact on my professional development.

However, I find myself at a crossroads where my personal life demands my attention. Recently, I’ve been facing a personal crisis that has significantly impacted my mental and emotional health. It’s a situation that requires me to step back from my professional responsibilities to focus on my mindfulness and to seek the necessary support.

This decision does not come lightly, as I hold my role and responsibilities at [Company Name] in high regard. The thought of stepping away, even temporarily, from a job I am deeply passionate about is challenging. However, I believe it is crucial to face my personal issues head-on, so that I can return with the same dedication and enthusiasm that I have always striven to bring to my work.

I want to be transparent and honest about the situation I am facing, as I believe in the importance of maintaining the trust and integrity that [Company Name] holds dear. I am not sure how long this recovery will take, so I must step away and make room for someone who could take over these responsibilities and perform at the degree of care and attention which [Company Name] expects from their employee.

I would like to request management to grant my resignation, effective [Your Last Working Day]. I want to express my sincere gratitude for the opportunities and support I have received during my time at [Company Name]. This decision is not made out of defeat or despair, but rather out of a desire to recover to my best self and also ensuring [Company Name] gets the level of performance which it expects from its personnels. I am hopeful this period of recovery will enable me to come back stronger and more capable than before.

I am fully committed to ensuring a smooth transition during this period of transition. I am willing to assist in any way possible, including helping to find and train a temporary replacement or reallocating my current tasks among the team. Thank you for considering my request, and for your understanding and support during this difficult time.



[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Resignation Letter Example 6

You will be moving overseas for education

Education is the foundation on which we stand during their career run. We are often in need of a higher degree to lift our value in the job market; and every firm understands that and care about your commitment to improve yourselves by making personal investment in your education. Here’s what you should be mindful about:

  • Give them sufficient notice about your departure
  • Ensuring your resignation letter sounds grateful

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

As I sit down to pen this letter, I’m left with a big void in my heart. I was contemplating to pursue a Master’s degree for a while now, and that opportunity to pursue a higher degree from Canada has finally arrived at my doorstep. It is with a blend of excitement and sorrow that I tender my resignation from [Company Name], effective [Your Last Working Date].

[Company Name] has been more than just a workplace to me; I’ve made new friends here who’ll stay with me for life. The thought of departing from this nurturing environment fills me with a deep sense of loss. However, this decision, though difficult, is a stepping stone towards fulfilling my academic and career aspirations, enabling me to contribute more significantly in the future. While I am eager to embark on this new academic journey, the thought of leaving behind a role that has become a part of my identity is something that I have to reconcile as I wrestle with my feelings.

The journey I embarked on at [Company Name] has been transformative, to say the least. Here, I have not only honed my professional skills but have also been fortunate enough to be part of a community that fosters excellence and mutual respect. Every challenge faced, every milestone achieved, and every moment of collaboration here has enriched me, leaving an indelible imprint on my professional ethos and personal growth.

In the weeks leading up to my departure, I am wholly committed to ensuring a smooth transition. I will diligently work to complete my current projects and facilitate the onboarding of my successor. I’m providing my sincere pledge to make this transition as seamless as possible for the team and the organization.

Thank you once again for helping me write an extraordinary chapter in my life at [Company Name]. I am optimistic about what the future holds for both me and this remarkable organization, and I eagerly anticipate witnessing the continued success and growth of [Company Name].

Thank you for everything,

[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Resignation Letter Example 7

You did wrong by the company and want to stand up to your mistake

God forbid, we pray you don’t ever have to use this resignation letter. But if you do, we really hope you make a full recovery to your best self. As a company that is full of people, they will form a chain of strength behind you during your moment of need. You need to keep in mind the following two things:

  • It’s very important to raise your medical issue with HR Manager to see if you’re eligible for any medical benefits under the employee health cover program, as it would significantly reduce your out-of-pocket cost
  • It’s up to you if you want to share the exact details of your debilitating condition on the resignation letter

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

As I write this letter, I do so with a heavy heart and a hopeful spirit. I am reaching out to share some personal news that has significantly impacted my life and, as a result, my ability to continue in my current role at [Company Name]. After much contemplation and consultation with my medical team, I find myself in a position where I must step away from my duties to battle my deteriorating health. It is with this in mind that I tender my resignation, effective [Your Last Working Date], due to the necessity of undergoing extensive medical treatment.

This decision comes at a time of great personal difficulty. The support and encouragement I’ve received here have been invaluable, and the relationships I’ve built are deeply cherished. The experiences at [Company Name] have been instrumental in shaping my professional journey and personal resilience. The thought of leaving my role and this supportive environment is incredibly hard, but this fight with my health is much harder in comparison.

The journey ahead for me is uncertain and this work demands a level of care and focus that makes it impossible for me to fulfill my responsibilities to the best of my abilities. My commitment to excellence and the team ethos of [Company Name] has always been my guiding principle, and it is with this same commitment that I make this difficult choice. It is essential for me to step back and prioritize my health so that I can hopefully return to the workforce in the future with the same drive and dedication I’ve always given every day.

During the next few weeks, I am fully dedicated to ensuring a smooth transition. I will work to complete my current projects to the best of my ability and will assist in any way possible to hand over my responsibilities. I am committed to making this transition as seamless as possible for my team and the company

I hope to keep the lines of communication open and would be grateful for the opportunity to stay in touch. Thank you once again for your understanding and support during this challenging phase of my life. I look forward to the day when I can share positive news about my health and hopefully reconnect with the [Company Name] family.

With heartfelt thanks and best wishes to everyone at [Company Name],

[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Resignation Letter Example 8

Moving to another state or country with your partner

Sometimes life pulls us in direction which requires us to put everything we know into our rear-view mirror, quite literally, as we drive away to a new destination. Now in times like this, a change in job also becomes necessary. But before you do that, it is also important to consider, if the firm you work for have any operation where you are going. Because if they do, you could simply request them to transfer to that location, if they deem it viable. Or perhaps the alternative becomes a reality, where you have to wave ta-ta as you look for a new job.

Now here’s a resignation letter sample for situation like this. Please bear in mind the following two points:

  • Be thankful to the company
  • Be specific why you’d need to relocate

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

As I turn the blank page to write a new chapter in my life, I’ve realized I have to let go something that I hold so dear to my heart. Today, I am facing a choice that requires me to bid farewell to [Company Name], a place that has been a temple of ideas and remarkable resilience. I’m sunk with a heavy heart that I submit my resignation, effective [Your Last Working Date], due to the necessity of relocating to Vancouver with my partner.

This decision has been one of the most challenging ones I’ve ever had to make. [Company Name] has been not just a firm I work for, but a home for me; a place where I’ve grown, learned, and been embraced by a family of colleagues and mentors. The thought of leaving fills me with a deep sense of sadness, but also gratitude for all the moments we’ve shared.

The opportunities for professional and personal growth that I’ve experienced here have been nothing short of transformative. I have been inspired every day by the dedication, creativity, and passion of everyone around me. Together, we’ve overcome mountainous challenges, celebrated successes, and shared a steel-strong resilience that is magnified by our camaraderie.

In the coming weeks, I am fully committed to ensuring a seamless transition. I will work diligently as I always do to complete my impending projects and pass on my responsibilities to the very lucky person who’ll take over this amazing role. My one new goal is to make this change as smooth as possible for the team and the company.

I hope to nurture the relationships I’ve built here and would love to stay in touch. Thank you once again for an incredible journey at [Company Name]. I am excited about what the future holds for both me and the company, and I look forward to seeing [Company Name] continue to thrive and succeed.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Amy N.

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Resignation Letter Example 9

Starting your own business or want to work at family business

Good byes are never easy, but a heartfelt resignation letter will do its part to let them know, one last time, on paper, what it meant to have you back their team, their operations. When you are looking to resign because you want to explore entrepreneurial ventures, you have to keep in mind the following two things:

  • Express gratitude for the years at their helm & pulls at their heartstring with an emotional story
  • You must highlight your strong belief in the firm’s future, as you leave your role to the care of someone new

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

As I pen down these words, it strikes me with a profound feeling I find myself in, as I’m reflecting on the journey that has brought me to this moment. The years I’ve spent at [Company Name] have been more than just a job; they have been a significant part of my life’s journey, filled with learning, growth, and invaluable experiences. It is with these thoughts and a heart full of mixed emotions that I write to inform you of my decision to resign from my position at [Company Name], effective from [Your Last Working Date].

This decision has not been an easy one. However, after much contemplation, I have decided to pursue a dream that has long been growing inside of me – starting my own apparel business. This venture is not just a career move but a calling to follow my passion for fashion and entrepreneurship. It’s a chance for me to apply the skills and knowledge I have gained in a new and exciting direction.

During my time at [Company Name], I have been fortunate to work with an all-star team, to learn from some of the best minds in the industry, and to contribute to projects that have challenged and inspired me. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities I’ve had here that allowed me to grow both professionally and personally.

During this period of transition, I am dedicated to fulfilling all immediate responsibilities and assisting in finding and training my replacement or leave a detailed guide to help the person fit in to the role, as easy as stepping into their shoe. Rest assured, my support and guidance will remain steadfast throughout this process.

Reflecting on the time spent at [Company], I carry with me an abundance of cherished memories and invaluable lessons. The camaraderie, challenges, and triumphs we shared have been instrumental in shaping my professional ethos. My heart is filled with gratitude for every moment, every opportunity, and every lesson learned under [Company’s] care.

As I take this leap into the world of entrepreneurship, I hold onto the hope and conviction that [Company] will continue to flourish, reaching ever-greater heights. I carry with me not just the skills and knowledge I’ve gained, but also the fond memories and lasting relationships built here.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to be a part of [Company Name]. I look forward to keeping in touch and possibly collaborating in some capacity in the future.


With heartfelt gratitude,

[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Resignation Letter Example 10

You did wrong by the company and want to stand up to your mistake

We’re a fallible species and it is only in our nature to slip through the career crack, inadvertently or through intention. But during these challenging times, it is how you own your mistake that will decide the terms of engagement. Some mistakes are too grave to walk away from unscathed, and the only viable option is to stand up with a resignation letter, accepting your mistake, instead of getting fired from your position.

So, here’s how a resignation letter should be put together for times like these. These three things should be noted:

  • Be humble in your approach
  • And never admit liability directly, but instead phrase the wording around compliance
  • Seek independent legal advice if required

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Manager’s Name],

[Company Name] is a place where my ambitions took root and grew. Being here have been the single most profound experience of my life. But today I feel like I have failed [Company Name] in a way that is beyond repair.

The leadership here has shaped me, and the camaraderie of our colleagues has supported me. In many ways, this firm has been like a family, with you as a mentor guiding my path.

I have realized the cost of exceeding ambition today. I was deeply driven by my desire to reach new heights, and have now come to realize some of my actions may have unintentionally risked the compliance and integrity of this firm and its people. This was never my intention, and I deeply regret the consequences of my actions now and for that I surrender with my sincerest apology.

As much as [Company Name] has been a part of my identity, I believe it’s time for me to step away. Not out of defeat or despair, but from a place of respect for what this firm stands for and to preserve the legacy which this firm has built. My decision to resign, effective immediately, is made in the spirit of lasting legacy and future of [Company Name] – I truly believe someone else will step in and give this role the respect it rightly deserves, and perform their duties with care and integrity.

I leave with a wealth of memories and lessons that I will carry forward. I have nothing but respect for everyone here and everything this firm has achieved. As I move on, my only request is for you to continue nurturing this remarkable place, a place I will always regard with the highest esteem.

I stand by you always,

[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Resignation Letter Example 11

You need waves of ripples to feel alive by jumping into a new pond

Resignation Letter Sample for career change

You’re a smooth operator who likes friction free transition, so do your employers. On average, an individual holds 11 different jobs over their working lives between the age of 20 to 65. That’s one job every 4 years. So, leaving a job can be a tough and emotional decision. This is how you take care of business before you bounce. It’s important to handle your departure with grace and respect.

This sample resignation letter will show how to express a heartfelt message that conveys your gratitude for the opportunity and your excitement for the future. Here’s what to keep in mind before you do:

  • Before you hand them in your resignation letter, bring up the conversation casually with your boss. So, they don’t get cold feet with your sudden decision. If they really want you, they’ll pull every resource to keep you docked in their bay.
  • The focus of the letter should be career change, a need for something new, instead of sounding you find the current job lifeless or boring

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I have been at [Company Name] for 3 years and 9 months. That’s nearly 4% of my entire life and pretty much the best 10% of my professional career. But like a bird we are destined by our natural urge to explore new landscapes. I find myself in this rather delicate place where I am need for something new. And I sincerely hope you can understand the sentiment I am in.

It comes with a mixture of gratitude and sadness for me to officially submit my resignation today for the Business Development Manager position here at [Company Name]. In order to make it completely friction free for Oakmont, I am providing a 60-day notice, a month more than the company’s minimum notification requirement. So, my official last day will be [Your Last Working Day].

Over the next 2 month, I will complete all the time sensitive deliverables and prepare a comprehensive dossier for my replacement. So, he or she can easily pick up where I’ve left off. You can count on me to be available to assist in any way that you deem fit.

I am proud of the contributions I’ve made during my time at [Company Name] and I will cherish the memories of working with such a wonderful team. Once again, my heart only has love for everything I’ve been given here.  And I wish only the ‘sweet cherry on top’ level growth for [Company Name].

To a bright future for us all,

[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Resignation Letter Example 12

You need long-term recovery from an accident

We wish for you to never have to use this resignation letter. If, however life deals you that card, you must brace it with all your strength and push right through. Look at Zion Clark for your inspiration, that guy’s will is stronger than the center of Everest. Two things you should be mindful about:

  • Discuss if there could be an opportunity to come back, once you’ve come out of the long fight.
  • Make your resignation letter sound positive, despite your difficult setback. Maintaining composure during very challenging period is the sign of true strength, the signature quality of a character.

[Your Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

[Today’s Date]
[Company Name]
[1234 Street Address]
[City, State, Zip]

Hi [Hiring Manager’s Name],

It’s been exactly 1 years, 8 months and 17 days I have been at [Company Name]. I wish I could add a decade on top of this, but sadly the hours in my clock ran out. And I have to tender my resignation effectively immediately. The decision comes in the wake of a recent accident during my holiday in Europe. It has left me near paralyzed that requires an extensive period of recovery and rehabilitation.

I’m thankful, grateful for everything I have received here. I won’t find words appropriate enough to express my gratitude for the opportunities, mentorship, and support I have received at [Company Name]. The memories and lessons have formed an invaluable part of me, and I’ll carry them with me always. I leave with nothing but the utmost respect and admiration for the team and the organization.

While my journey at [Company Name] came to an abrupt end under unforeseen circumstances, I remain optimistic about the future. I hope to overcome this challenge and reclaim my best years and would love to pay a visit to you, when I am able.

Thank you once again for your understanding. I look forward to seeing [Company Name] continue to thrive and reach for the moon.


Wishing you the very best of future,

[Your Name]

Resignation Letter Template (Word)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How to write a resignation letter?

Navigating the delicate process of resigning from your current job for a better opportunity or a significant promotion elsewhere can be a tricky maneuver. It’s essential to manage this transition gracefully, ensuring that you depart on amicable terms. Our goal is to guide you in crafting a tactful and positive resignation strategy, one that resonates with professionalism and leaves a lasting, favorable impression. Here’s how you can conclude your tenure on an upbeat and respectful note.

  • Express Gratitude: Begin your resignation by acknowledging the valuable experiences and opportunities you’ve received at your current job. A tone of gratitude sets a positive framework for your departure.
  • Personalize Your Communication: Tailor your resignation letter or conversation to reflect your genuine experiences with the company. Personal anecdotes or specific instances of growth and support can make your farewell more heartfelt and sincere.
  • Offer Support During the Transition: Propose your assistance in finding and training your replacement or in any other way that eases the transition for your team and employer. This shows commitment to your role and respect for the organization until your last day.
  • Be Professional in Your Reasons: While it’s not necessary to divulge all the details about your new opportunity, being clear and professional about your reasons for leaving can prevent misunderstandings and preserve relationships.
  • Maintain Positivity: Focus on the positive aspects of your time with the company, rather than any negatives. This leaves your colleagues with fond memories of your professional and personal contributions.
  • Avoid Over-Explanations: While honesty is essential, overly detailed explanations about your new role or employer might be unnecessary. Keep your message straightforward and focused on your current employer and your gratitude towards them.
  • Request a Meeting: If possible, request a face-to-face meeting with your supervisor to resign in person. This shows respect and allows for a more personal and respectful dialogue.
  • Stay Connected: Express your desire to stay in touch with your colleagues and superiors. Networking is a powerful tool, and maintaining connections can benefit your professional journey long after you’ve left.
  • Be Prepared for Any Response: Be ready for various reactions from your employer or colleagues. Stay calm and professional, regardless of the response.
  • Leave on a High Note: Your final days at the company are as important as your first. Continue to demonstrate your commitment and professionalism, leaving a lasting impression.

Remember, the manner in which you resign can significantly impact your professional reputation. A thoughtful and considerate approach not only preserves relationships but also paves the way for potential future collaborations.


What things should I exclude from a resignation letter?

We really like you for asking this question. It’s crucial to maintain a professional tone and avoid certain topics that can sour your departure. Here are things you must not discuss or share on a resignation letter.

Alternatively, you can just scroll up there ☝️ and just download any suitable resignation letter template and start using right away, these are custom tailored for different personal situations, specific to you.

  • Focusing on your new job: While it’s natural to be excited about a new opportunity, your resignation letter isn’t the place to share details about your new job. Mentioning aspects like better pay at a prestigious position can be perceived as boastful or insensitive. The focus should be on your current employer and your gratitude for the time spent there.
  • Expressing Dislike for Your Current Job: Regardless of your reasons for leaving, avoid expressing negative feelings about your job. Venting frustrations or showing disdain can tarnish your professional image and potentially damage valuable relationships. Keep the tone of your letter respectful and neutral.
  • Sharing Personal Attachments: A resignation letter is a formal document and should remain professional in tone. Sharing personal emotions or attachments can blur professional boundaries and detract from the letter’s primary purpose.
  • Criticize Coworkers or Management: It’s unprofessional to criticize your coworkers, management, or the company in your resignation letter. Such remarks can be seen as unprofessional and might harm your reputation. If you have constructive feedback, consider sharing it in an exit meeting where it can be more appropriately addressed.
  • Spread Negativity: Maintaining a positive tone is key. Even if your experiences weren’t entirely positive, a resignation letter should not be used as a platform to vent grievances or project negativity. This approach helps preserve professional relationships and leaves the door open for future opportunities.
  • Avoid Threatening Language: It’s important to steer clear of any language that could be construed as threatening or coercive. This includes making statements about revealing company secrets, talking negatively about the company in public, or any other form of indirect or direct threat. Such language can lead to legal complications and damage your professional reputation.

In summary, your resignation letter should be concise, polite, and focused on the essentials of your departure. It’s an opportunity to express gratitude and to ensure a smooth transition, rather than a forum for airing grievances or personal feelings. By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure a professional and respectful resignation.

Resignation Letters

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